This week I'm talking about motivation...or lack of it!!!
It's becoming more and more apparent that the population are getting lazy, everybody wants to lose weight, 'get fit', reach a goal. What do they do about it?....80% doing nothing but talk!! Then complain about their weight or shape of their body, there's only you who can change YOUR body no one else can.
People want instant overnight success - It'll never happen, what do you do if you want to be rich & successful? hard, what about at work earning a promotion? work your butt off to get the results needed to get everyone to stand up and listen that your there.
I'm sick to death of 'talkers'
Talkers will never achieve anything or doing anything unless it's handed to them on a plate, talkers like the idea of losing weight or achieving something until it comes to the crunch and they'd rather sit on the couch or stay in bed.
You'll also find people who'll start but then after a couple of week tail off and tuen into a talker. We as a company churn out events, Saturday morning group sessions, Personal training on a regular basis, this seems to fall on deaf ears, yet I consistently read on Facebook the 'I need to start the gym again' status.
Everything now going into the 2nd decade of the noughties is to hand - Internet shopping, takeaways, football, games consoles, even talking to your friends!!...soon we'll be able to live life within four walls, never have the need to go out to get something, never have the motivation to get of our back sides and invest in living life longer - this decade will become a population of 'talkers'.