The final bank holiday Monday of the year has passed already, What was your New Years resolutions, Has it have been achieved?
Let me ask you this....
What did you do this bank holiday weekend?
Drink too much?
Ate too much?
I bet 9/10 people did both - Going through FaceBook I see the usual 'Diet starts tomorrow' status' have appeared. How far back do you think your weekend set you back in terms of your overall target?
I wonder how many fad diets will be in affect this week to make up for the over indulged weekend? How many hours the treadmills will be getting a good battering for? How little calories some people will consume in order to 'even things out?
Do you think this is good for your body?
The body is THE most fascinating thing, the most important thing you are EVER gonna own, why do you feel the need to abuse it?
Giving it too much sugar and salt so it has to overwork to keep you afloat in order for you to enjoy yourself or not putting enough logs on the fire to keep your metabolism ticking over in order to drop weight quickly.
How about this, This week instead of dropping your calories to a body threatening low or just staying entirely of the wagon till next Monday 'because the weeks already started'
Start a fresh NOW - Exercise 3/4 times a week, Eat the right amount of Protein & Carbs, Get plenty of water to rehydrate your body and get yourself back into gear for that New Year's resolution that you've STILL not achieved!
I'm not saying be a complete saint, we all have family parties to attend or birthday meals to go to but do these within moderation.
I'm going to be putting up some really easy, quick & highly effective workouts on my new
YouTube channel soon for you to do at home, so there's no excuses you can't be in them skinny jeans or target dress by the end of September.
Speak Soon
Ian :)