Sunday, 24 June 2012

The Importance of Growth Hormones for fat loss

Today I'm going to tell you how the amount of growth hormone (GH) in your body can effect the rate you drop fat.

Now don't get confused by the fact it has GROWTH in it's name, it's one of the best natural ways to drop fat. Growth hormone (GH) has two functions..

GH combined with insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) stimulates bone growth and also as a side note can help with muscle growth but the factor we want to look at is the direct effect;

GH's goal is to decrease fat via a three ponged attack 

1. Protein - GH stimulates protein and as we know protein is the biggest fat burner in the body
2. Fat - GH stimulates fat cell breakdown
3. Carbohydrate - GH maintains sugar levels by manipulating insulin and feeding it into the right pockets to optimize use for insulin effected fat loss.

So we know what it does but how do we increase it?

Sleep is the main provider, by getting a solid 7-8 hours sleep you can actually double your GH, Throw in some resistance training early morning and your GH output will sky rocket, go for a weight, band or bodyweight training over the long drawn out process of a treadmill/ XTrainer/ bike. this type of training is majorly effective especially if you do it in intervals i.e 40 seconds work, 20 seconds rest for 20-25 minutes. Always aim to hit up some amino acids BEFORE exercise, you can get these in supplement form or if you prefer a more natural source have some chicken, turkey or eggs. 
Regular eating improves the general flow of GH, aim to eat clean food every 3-4 hours over a 12 hour period, go for meat, fish, veg, fruit, unsalted nuts and water. Not only will it keep your insulin levels level but will stop that urge for mid afternoon snacking. Resist a pig out on bad foods like crisps, chocolate, takeaway etc before you go to bed this will decrease GH massively and undo all that hard work you've put in!

These three factors combined will produce so much GH that your body won't know whats hit it's fat storage. Did you know that the greatest GH increase is within your first two hours of sleep!? 

Take these really simple steps and you will have that beach body in time! 

Monday, 18 June 2012

Jealousy will get you nowhere!!

Right gonna get right into this because it's been playing in my mind for a couple of weeks now, I seem to have had a LOT criticism recently on my before & after pictures. Comments like this...

Where do these people get off? My clients work hard for their results, really fucking hard and you get dickheads like this!

I spend a lot of time with my clients getting their mindset changed after years of fad diets & slimming club abuse who drip feed them shit advice, deal with low confidence, low self esteem and bad body images, it's takes ONE of these jealous retards to comment to blow all this work and take them back to square one.

'If you have nothing good to say...say nothing'


I understand your first reaction is to attack people who have or who are changing their lives for the better, it's kinda like a reflex to defend your own insecurities, but do you know what your comments are doing to not only my clients but others?

I always ask how's your diet going? Strangely I never get a reply...weird right? Seems the likes of person X has never been overweight & lives for clean food and hard training.

I have been fortunate enough to have changed many peoples lives over my 4 + years of personal training and am now regarded as a fat loss & nutrition expert, on the back of this I was backed up by my clients, ex clients, people who know of my work, fellow fit-pros & mentor. 40+ comments of positivity (and giving me a general ego boost) brings to light the rewards of my 'job'.

The good defiantly outweigh the few bad eggs out there!

Below is the full picture and transcript of support and unfortunate slating of me and Clare.

PS - Don't worry about eating clean eating & working your ass off just breath in... ;)

PPS - I'm commenting as how to lose weight in 15 days

8 people like this.

Elisha Cross Barnes
Wow what a change :)
20 February at 19:51 · Like

Nikki Pattison
That's awesome!! The change in shape is fantastic, in only 15 days??? How and can I do it??
20 February at 21:37 · Like

How To Lose Weight In 15 Days!?
Hey there Nikki - YES! This program is designed for anyone... Email us at: and we'll send all details through :D
20 February at 21:39 · Like · 1

Nikki Pattison
That's fab!! Will do :)
20 February at 21:53 · Like · 1

Joanna Carter
 looks like shes holding her breath in to me doesnt look much different
6 June at 15:17 · Like

How To Lose Weight In 15 Days!?
 I'm sure Clare would be grateful for your comment Joanna after she worked hard on the 15 days... confidence boosting like that, who needs programs like this hey!?
6 June at 15:25 · Like

Angelina Morris
no Joanna its all true has I follow the diet plan myself
6 June at 15:25 · Like

Joanna Carter
Well if you are saying it works Angelina then i believe you :-) im just abit unsure when they advertise these diets on the net they always tell you to be careful
6 June at 15:29 · Like

Angelina Morris
Yeah it's great good clean eating and you don't have to starve love it
6 June at 15:30 · Like · 1

How To Lose Weight In 15 Days!?
 So you will take Angelina's word but yet the picture has you dis-believed? Please take care to look properly at our program before making judgement, this is ran by one of The North West's leading Fat Loss Experts - Ian Foran not just an internet scam...
6 June at 15:33 · Like

Joanna Carter
Oh look they want money out of you that makes it suss right away its a con like all the rest
6 June at 15:41 · Like
How To Lose Weight In 15 Days!?
Hey Jo it's Ian the trainer - do you pay for the gym? do you pay for exercise equipment? is this also a con?? I'm regarded as one of the elite fat loss experts in the north west and people pay a lot for my services to create them awesome bodies, build confidence and find themselves again. How's your diet working out for you? you can find me here

Ian Tlf Foran
6 June at 15:49 · Like · 1 ·

Sonia Roczniak
Seriously? If you think you can change your body shape just by breathing in then why does anyone diet or exercise then?? It's quite clear from the pictures that her body shapes changed quite a bit & if people can't see it then there's something wrong!
6 June at 16:04 · Unlike · 2

Michelle Davenport
why dont u try it first and then comment, u get ur money back if it doesnt so wat u got to lose, wish i could breath in and change shape lol get a grip
6 June at 16:09 · Unlike · 3

Joanna Carter
 Its like smoking if you really want to give up you dont need all these gimicks to help the same as you dont need these con diets to help you lose weight if you really want to lose it you can do it on your own and those pictures could be of two different people if they want money from you then its a con
6 June at 16:32 · Like

Joanna Carter
If you that good a trainer what you doing on here commenting on peoples pages you should be out there training not messing around on here taking peoples money when like you say they can go down the gym and do it for half that price
6 June at 16:36 · Like

How To Lose Weight In 15 Days!?
‎(Ian) Some people need the support of a group, we promote life changes you seem like someone that can do it by themselves which is cool...but there's a lot of people out there that can't. I wish there was more positive, supportive people out there like you in our group
6 June at 16:36 · Like

How To Lose Weight In 15 Days!?
Peoples pages?..this is my page, I run 3 sessions a day 06:45,10 & 6 so my afternoons are filled with chatting to the been there, done it all people like yourself...
6 June at 16:39 · Like

Faz Aoufi
 SMOKING CRACK WILL DO IT IN 15 DAYS,,,,,u cant lose lots a weight in 15 days,,normal,,.. That photo is just the same weight in all of them,,just diff angles and sucking in,., cple a pounds in two week healthy way
6 June at 16:42 · Like

How To Lose Weight In 15 Days!?
Faz your deluded mate...put the crack pipe down
6 June at 16:44 · Like · 1

Lisa Luvslifegrainger Birty X
Lmfao jo seriously ian is 1 of the best around as a trainer i actualy was with them for 6 months and the differance was good as ya can tell by my before n adters if they on here sumwer and tbh if i could afford it id still be there now plz dont question ian as a trainer coz he knows wat hes talkin bout ill tell u that for nowt hun
6 June at 16:44 · Unlike · 1

Faz Aoufi
Im not questioning any one as a trainer,,... I said losing lots a weight in 15 days can be bad for you,,.. and that picture is all the same,,..cloths a tight fit in all of them,, belly out,,other being sucked in,,. just saying how its looks
6 June at 16:47 · Like

How To Lose Weight In 15 Days!?
We're not losing weight, I drop fat completely different and if you have the knowledge that I have of hormonal balancing, mindset and nutrition then anything is possible...I get result upon result and I like to have my clients in the same clothes/location to highlight - everything is transparent for all to see. No breathing in/out needed
6 June at 16:52 · Like

Paul Mort
wowsers... GREAT results. just wondering how the clients of the guys that are commenting are doing?? actually scrap that, by the comments am not sure they have any. GREAT WORK CLARE!!! WELL DONE
6 June at 16:57 · Unlike · 3

Lisa Luvslifegrainger Birty X
 Dint say u was faz i sed jo and u seriosly have problems look carefully ull see the differance same clothes to show b4 n afters wiv same clothes
6 June at 17:00 · Unlike · 1

Hayley Connor
 Omg some people are so rude. That 15days is bloody hard work. If you cant say anything nice dont say anything at all.
6 June at 17:00 · Unlike · 2

Kelly Lowe
It's actually worth every penny!! It isn't even a lot to be honest, I had a gym membership for 6 months & never lost much weight, been with TLF fitness just over a week & seen great results already!! If your doubting that it can be done come down & try it yourself!!!
6 June at 17:09 · Unlike · 2

Vanessa Sedgwick
I can honestly say that after my 15 days not only had I lost weight and inches but I felt FANTASTIC I had so much energy and felt great top to toe, the weight is a bonus. It's a lifestyle change and education not a quick fix diet.
6 June at 17:10 · Unlike · 2

MartinRevolution Healthandfitness Scrafton
hahaha your always gonna have the skeptics and nay sayers mate... i love people who are negative about what you do yet havent even seen the nutritional principals you prescribe or thw workouts you have designed and implemented... its funny however that the people who have seen them and tasted there sweeeet results are all backing you 100%...... ya gotta have the negs mate other wise who would you prove wrong. keep it up pal.
6 June at 17:14 · Unlike · 5

Ben Griffiths
Absoultely amazes me the amount of negative, bitchy people out there! dear god what the fuc! Cant you just appretiate hard work, great program superb trainer, superb results..... keep up the great work, igonore the negativerty and snide comments!....... it is possible to become healthy and lose weight quickly you know! its just not many people have a superb program and aaded passion like Ian Tlf Foran
6 June at 17:15 · Unlike · 4

Graeme Sweetie Markham
faz... who says losing a couple of lbs a week is the "healthy" way to do things?? have you followed a nutrition and training plan set a expert? or are you down playing peoples achievements who have obviously worked hard following the plans set? if you honestly think that this is "camera angles" and "breathing in" mate you have something wrong

awesome work clare! owned that s**t! tremendous work :)
6 June at 17:22 · Unlike · 3

Kimberley Jane McDowell
Absolute joke, yea I got a six pack by holding my breath in not working my ass off and eating clean food........I DON'T THINK SO! It takes time dedication hard work and a great personal trainer ... I'm in the best shape I have been for years and it's all thanks to TLF Fitness xxx ignore the negative people they r the ones who mustn't b happy with their results !!!!!!
6 June at 17:30 · Unlike · 4

How To Lose Weight In 15 Days!?
I'd love to get involved more in this but I've gotta go and teach my hard working clients how to breath in properly...
6 June at 17:30 · Like · 5

Graeme Sweetie Markham
breath in??? her complete body shape has changed..... lol
6 June at 17:32 · Unlike · 1

Kimberley Jane McDowell
 It's gets me that people comment let alone have the disregard to criticise something that they have no idea about or know anyone who has been involved in any of the programmes .... This has changed people's life's !!!!!
6 June at 17:38 · Unlike · 1

Nikki Pattison
Seeing this picture and personally seeing the results I know it's no gimmick and a great deal of hard work both from the client and trainers! I'm Nikki in the love handles picture, pretty difficult to hold those in!! It's changed my lifestyle and outlook!! Personally want to say too all those disbelievers why not try it yourself before slating amazing well earned results!!!
6 June at 18:58 · Unlike · 2

Julie Scott
How dare you "internet people" try to con honest citizens out of their hard earned cash by teaching them how to eat properly, giving them a personalised workout plan and getting them into great shape?! It's an absolute disgrace!! Sheesh!......See more
6 June at 19:39 · Unlike · 2

Rose Burke
Oh my word. Tell ya what put your money where your mouth is and join us ! Let's see if it's not possible then eh ! How rude. Do you think it's easy - coz I will tell you now I worked bloody hard for my results and I'm proud of myself - not ...See more
6 June at 19:40 · Unlike · 2

Afsheen Ashraf
This programme has taught me what I’ve been doing wrong for the past ten years, with all that yo-yo dieting (slimming clubs) & the long hours I spent slogging it out at the gym (yet seeing no REAL results)…which both cost me a hell of a lot...See more
6 June at 20:29 · Unlike · 2

How To Lose Weight In 15 Days!?
 ‎(Ian) wow guys pretty overwhelmed by these comments! There will always be people who question these insane results but it's you guys that make it worthwhile... Keep up the awesome work! :)
6 June at 20:44 · Like

Michael Anderson
 Ian you know it works results are amazing, don't worry about anything else
6 June at 22:43 · Unlike · 2

How To Lose Weight In 15 Days!?
Cheers dude
7 June at 08:14 · Like

Samantha Davenport
 After reading everyones comments and seeing peoples before and after pictures, I CANT WAIT to start this bootcamp in july, just wish id of heard about you earlier :) x
10 June at 21:05 · Unlike · 1

If your on facebook go here and add your own comment of support to Clare...

Friday, 15 June 2012

In your Face!!..

I've been missing in action over the past couple of weeks, mostly due to the fact I've been helping some kick ass people down at the Fat Blast Academy strip some serious fat.

So whats new?

Well seen as you asked, I now have a subscribe button to my articles just here ------->
 Click it and get weekly Rants, Tips & Tricks from me on how to drop fat fast!

Ok that's my little promotion over...Wait hang on do you remember this?

Lianne dropped a dress size in JUST 19 days (Catch her blog of it here - and you can too!!

Go here to find out Lianne's secret  - 

Right defo no more promo sales type shit anymore promise...

I want to give you a sneak peak into my very explosive article that's coming out this Monday, If your a energy vampire or a pessimist you won't want to read it because it's aimed directly at you!!


Why did this picture create such a HUGE kick off??


Go and click that subscribe button to find out...