In the 4 years I've been changing peoples shape and life's, one thing that I've noticed over and over again is that the people who 'like a drink' fucking bum the shit out of slimming clubs!
Drinkers love slimming clubs because they can drink and not get told it's wrong or have the health benefits shoved in there face, as long as your dropping weight on a weekly basis be it just half a pound the leader is happy. Slimming clubs this way can keep you longer a drip feed their utter bullshit to you and make you part of their cult, brainwashed following. Did you know the average slimming club client drops a massive 5lbs in a two year period and you pay how much for this privilege weekly four, five pound? Defiantly value for money there then!
It's okay right because you get to eat and drink what you want. Look if losing weight was that easy, we'd all be walking round naked looking like Jodie Marsh but lets face facts Heywood has an obesity level of 24.9%, the England average is 24.1%. Not good reading right?
I'm probably going to piss you off with what I'm about to say here so remove your slimming club glasses for a minute and listen to some harsh truths..
You don't have self control, you lack discipline, you have underlying emotional problems this is why slimming club mentality is perfect for you, you don't have to be strict with your food. you can have 'free' food so you can eat that shit allll day long regardless of it's insulin response to your body. You don't have to follow a plan just loosely stick to the guidelines. Your not held accountable for your actions in fact probably the opposite. Eat & drink what you want and all your bewildered slimming pals will high five you for it because you've drop half a pound this week (*BTW I've had shits weigh more than half a pound)
When was the last time your leader called you to say where have you been - Are they even arsed!? Your a number to them, a statistic, more ways to feed the brand and make you buy into it more.
Do you even realise the example your setting to your kids. What would your words be if they starved themselves all week to get pissed up at weekend - I bet it won't be congratulatory! It's a bad example and you know what it's not all your fault, you've seen your parents do exactly the same and you've picked up their bad habits.
At this moment in time you have an alcohol addiction, when ex slimming club members come into my academy the hardest thing to convince them to do is stop the wine. Most of you drink every night, just one to relax after a hard day which sometimes leads to a bottle - you know why you have bad days EVERY day? It's because your drinking every night and feeling like shit the day after you in a cycle and a bad one at that!
It's alright to drink every night when your younger, you party hard live hard those are the unspoken rules but don't you think you've grown out of that by now? Again a bad example to your kids, if they drank every night what would you say?
You are your kids future so what can you do now to change it?
You need to shift your mindset from slimming club mentality to losing weight mentality, you can drop weight weekly but you'll never look like this in the slimming club mentality
Reduce your drinking down and feel the benefits of it within weeks. It takes your body 3 days to process alcohol, this means your not burning fat or losing weight for three days. You drink Saturday, your body won't lose any weight till Wednesday, that gives you only 4 days of fat burning. Take drinking out and you can see how this is gonna effect your weight loss.
Not only that but your mental clarity, skin, hair and mood will all benefit. It'll send your oestrogen levels down because you know that's all junk in the trunk your storing.
A party girl called Chantelle came and joined the academy 3 months back - Her message was strong party hard, work hard. I challenged her to give alcohol up for a month before she went to V-Fest to feel the difference. The results we got were amazing not only weight/inches but hair, skin, energy & motivation. She's brought this into her life changed for the better (people actually asked her whats wrong with her now ha). It can be done, you need to want to..I presume you joined a slimming club to lose weight and feel healthy yes?
Now I understand life is a social event and I am human after all and don't mind the odd drink - I'm not some robot, so here's some alternatives I recommend to my members;
Go for cider over lager for the gluten free aspect
If your a shot person go for tequila every time
Choose red over white wine
DON'T do what my mum did and think I've give you license to drink cider now..I'm saying if you have to drink go for these alternatives.
Don't be what the slimming clubs want you to be - a wine drinking, binge eating, happy with half a pound weight loss a week women because all your doing is giving money away. Set an example to your kids and change their lives as well as yours.