Sunday, 22 July 2012

What the f*ck has golf gotta do with your weight loss


  Hope you've had an awesome weekend

  With the Golf open finishing today, I thought this blog would be very apt - You may have been bored to tears with it but for someone like me I loved it!

Before my first venture out onto a golf course a couple of years back, I had pigeon holed the type of people that play - retired with nothing else better to do than waste 3,4,5 hours walking around a bit of grass trying to get a little white ball into a hole using a stick of metal.

Well how wrong was I! I got the golf bug big time....

As I continue to play I'm finding strange parallels between golf & weight loss... hang on, bear with me.....

So you start at the beginning of the course and you have a target (or a 'par') to complete the round in, There's 18 holes to complete, each hole takes you a step further to the end, within each hole there is a mini target. So to compare this to weight loss you set yourself a target be it weight, fat %, dress size within a certain amount of time, break this overall target up into little goals over your set period, making the ultimate finishing post more acheivable and not as big as first thought.

Let's take that you want to drop 3 dress sizes in 3 months as your target, sounds a big ask right? break it down into 3 small goals - Your aim is to drop 1 dress size every 30 days!? not so big a target now. 

When I started playing I wanted to complete each individual hole as quickly as possible, this often led me to go all round the houses and end up taking more time to complete each hole. If I had concentrated on making the ball go straight and not looking at getting on the green in one shot I would have actually achieved my target a lot quicker and saved a lot of frustration. - Simply put don't rush to your target, plan it properly and make sure you use the right tools. Slimming clubs, fad & magazine diets are only gonna take you off track and mind fuck into improper eating habits. Eat clean, train intensely & metabolically and make sure your mind is prepared for the journey.

 I may have an awful round (9/10 this is the case), this doesn't get me down or make me feel like I don't want to play anymore, I want to go back and show that course who's boss ASAP! - Just because you may have a bad day or have ate shit all weekend, don't wait till monday. Remember your only one workout or one meal away from getting back on it

I have to make sure I have the right equipment, the proper techniques, the right mindset - If I turned up with a baseball bat thinking I'll hit & hope my way round where's that gonna get me!?? - Don't turn up to the gym/ bootcamp/ class expecting it to cancel out your takeaway at weekend or the alcohol your going to have tonight. This is pointless because it's not taking you closer to your goal it's keeping you stationary or even a step backwards.

Now when I finally get round a golf course within the target shots that sense of achievement will be well deserved, knowing I've put my all into reaching that milestone I set back when I started my journey. - Always have your final target in mind, feel the feeling you'll have when you can fit into that dress/target pants you've have worked your ass off to get into and say 'I did this'


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