Thursday, 29 November 2012

Never Done This Before But Here's my Naked...

Recently you may know or not I’ve been on a journey to findmy inner self, my internal warrior. I read a book by Chris Brown ( and it’snot only struck the biggest chord ever with me but made me look & critizisemyself like never before.  This issomething I have always found very hard to do.

I wanted to get out there, who I really am, what struggles ihave and had.

I wanna be brutally honest with you...

I’ve been living in a comfort zone of unhappiness,constantly thinking what other people think or say about me, struggling with myweight, stressed out, tired & depressed.

I put a front on to the outside world, I can’t let peoplesee me like that. I think I’m a failure because I can’t control my weight, mymind or actions. It’s a lot easier for me to go to the chippy than cook a cleanmeal. I drink most weekends followed by a kebab.

I eat in secret so I don’t get spotted eating shit becausethe outside world have stereotyped me into what I should eat. I dream of thebody I want and I know with my knowledge and expertise I can achieve it, myresults speak for themselves but my mind stops me, my habits stop me and myupbringing stops me. The brain is a powerful tool and if you lose control of itit can have huge effects on your life.

I grew up in an environment where emotional eating was thenorm and every one was on a diet and unhappy with there body. The ‘good’ foodwas hidden away so we would have to stealthly find it at night after everyonewas a asleep. It was like a mouse trap game to get to the biscuits but because wewasn’t allowed them we wanted them more.

I’ve always been an emotional eater, it never really came tolight until a couple of years ago but this year it’s spiralled out of control,to a point i can’t control it.

At the beginning of the year I did 6 months of no drinkingalcohol, I hit a low patch earlier mid year and for me my release was drinking,I now drink every week, I look forward to a Thursday night with the boys.  During my very low months my focus was ongetting my bootcamps done for the week so i could get pissed up all weekend. I’vealways been a drinker, I love having a beer. But i felt like the biggesthypocrite going telling my clients not to drink, it does this to your body, iteffects you like that, frowning upon them on a Monday when i found out they’dbeen out. What a prick hey?

I was brought up in a negative environment which doesn’thelp my mind set, i need comfort so i turn to the thing that makes me happy – drinkingand eating.

Does this help in my line of work – fuck no

 Did i care – no.

 I just wanted to behappy, i hate the feeling of being pissed off but it’s become second nature tome recently. I’ve wished the week away so i didn’t have to get up at 530am. I’dsleep all afternoon, id eat chocolate, crisps, biscuits, takeaway. Id be onearsehole to be around. But to the outside world i was happy.

I get called a fat trainer a lot, when people ask me what ido i’m embarassed to say, because they look at me an laugh. I read statuses onfacebook that i know are about me and the way i look - This hurts me so muchbut i just laugh it off. I think i’ll show this dick and get in shape but iresort to eating comfort food once again.

Now i know i’m not massively overweight, maybe chunky. I’mnot ripped up, or lean but the outside world thinks i should be. They make anassumption of you within minutes and yeah i do need to be in shape to conformwith what you think but i’m not. I look in the mirror and am never happy withmy reflection.

I should train 3 times a week, but i don’t. I’ll have spurtsof training, i’ll be honest i don’t like working out it bores me at the start –i’d rather go home and sleep or play on fifa. Again though i tell my clientsthey have to 3 times a week – biggest hypocrite going right!?

I actually have clients who are fitter than me and would runrings me but i’m perceived as the fittest guy ever so I have to hide the fact i’mblowing out of my arse.

I’ve not always been like this when i first qualified over 4years ago, i trained like nobody else but over the years the stereotypicalworld has got in my head, i couldn’t keep up.

I used to love my work, i felt like i didn’t work a day evenif i’d been training clients from 6am-10pm but recently it’s been hard.

I’ve never been so pissed off and depressed in my life, i’venearly quit training at least 4 times in the past 3 months because I have feltit’s not worth it.   

It takes a lot for me to take critisim, infact i dont’ takeit at all.

I’ve had to take a step back and really look at myself, lookat the situation i’m in, look at my body, look at my habits, see that i’m aselfish shit, i’m a lazy fucker, i only go into something with the WIIFM (whatsin it for me)mindset, why i eat shit – writing this right now I want to havesome crisps, true story!

It’s all due to habits i’ve created, due to the fact i’venever achieved what i wanted to, never been pushed to achieve (taking part wasenough for us growing up) taking the piss out of people who are better then me ratherthen congratulating them and aspiring to be where they are. I always care whatpeople think, i’ll be honest im shitting myself of what you’ll say afterreading this. I need recognisition, i need to be wanted. I like to let youthink i‘m better than I actually am.

Some people will take the piss out of this post, in myopinion now, they are not happy with themselves and maybe need to open up theirminds more.

I think the biggest thing here and whole point of this ‘therapysession’ is to be comfortable with who i am now, to be 100% honest with myselfand put it out there. I’m on a journey to create a new blueprint in my life andfor me this is the first step.

I have the love and 1000000% support of Lianne and anamazing daughter Tiana who both make me so happy, i take them for granted.

I have family and have small group of friends who i don’tappreciate enough or make the effort as much as i should, instead of looking attheir flaws i should look at their qualitys that they bring into my life.

I want to say a huge thank you to Chris Brown, with out yougoing through your journey, i’d never be able to go on mine. See the interviewwith him i did about the book here -

This is me being the rawiest I’ve ever been in my life, strippeddown naked in front of you, baring all.

‘Out of every 100 men,
10 shouldn’t be there,
80 are just targets,
9 are the real fighters
and we are lucky to have them
for they make the battle.

Ah, But the one,
One is the Warrior,
and he will bring the others back’

~ Heraclitus (ViaChris Brown)

Ian Foran

PS i;ve not spell checked this either, i used to do that soyou didn’t think i was thick as pigshit.

Friday, 12 October 2012

Why drinkers LOVE slimming clubs

In the 4 years I've been changing peoples shape and life's, one thing that I've noticed over and over again is that the people who 'like a drink' fucking bum the shit out of slimming clubs!

Drinkers love slimming clubs because they can drink and not get told it's wrong or have the health benefits shoved in there face, as long as your dropping weight on a weekly basis be it just half a pound the leader is happy. Slimming clubs this way can keep you longer a drip feed their utter bullshit to you and make you part of their cult, brainwashed following. Did you know the average slimming club client drops a massive 5lbs in a two year period and you pay how much for this privilege weekly four, five pound? Defiantly value for money there then!

It's okay right because you get to eat and drink what you want. Look if losing weight was that easy, we'd all be walking round naked looking like Jodie Marsh but lets face facts Heywood has an obesity level of 24.9%, the England average is 24.1%. Not good reading right?

I'm probably going to piss you off with what I'm about to say here so remove your slimming club glasses for a minute and listen to some harsh truths..

You don't have self control, you lack discipline, you have underlying emotional problems this is why slimming club mentality is perfect for you, you don't have to be strict with your food. you can have 'free' food so you can eat that shit allll day long regardless of it's insulin response to your body. You don't have to follow a plan just loosely stick to the guidelines. Your not held accountable for your actions in fact probably the opposite. Eat & drink what you want and all your bewildered slimming pals will high five you for it because you've drop half a pound this week (*BTW I've had shits weigh more than half a pound)


When was the last time your leader called you to say where have you been - Are they even arsed!? Your a number to them, a statistic, more ways to feed the brand and make you buy into it more.

Do you even realise the example your setting to your kids. What would your words be if they starved themselves all week to get pissed up at weekend -  I bet it won't be congratulatory! It's a bad example and you know what it's not all your fault, you've seen your parents do exactly the same and you've picked up their bad habits.

At this moment in time you have an alcohol addiction, when ex slimming club members come into my academy the hardest thing to convince them to do is stop the wine. Most of you drink every night, just one to relax after a hard day which sometimes leads to a bottle - you know why you have bad days EVERY day? It's because your drinking every night and feeling like shit the day after you in a cycle and a bad one at that!

It's alright to drink every night when your younger, you party hard live hard those are the unspoken rules but don't you think you've grown out of that by now? Again a bad example to your kids, if they drank every night what would you say?

You are your kids future so what can you do now to change it?

You need to shift your mindset from slimming club mentality to losing weight mentality, you can drop weight weekly but you'll never look like this in the slimming club mentality


Instead of using food and drink as your reward system use clothes, holidays, days out instead. If you really need to have one day where you can eat what you want. Find out why this is beneficial here -

Reduce your drinking down and feel the benefits of it within weeks. It takes your body 3 days to process alcohol, this means your not burning fat or losing weight for three days. You drink Saturday, your body won't lose any weight till Wednesday, that gives you only 4 days of fat burning. Take drinking out and you can see how this is gonna effect your weight loss.

Not only that but your mental clarity, skin, hair and mood will all benefit. It'll send your oestrogen levels down because you know that's all junk in the trunk your storing.

A party girl called Chantelle came and joined the academy 3 months back - Her message was strong party hard, work hard. I challenged her to give alcohol up for a month before she went to V-Fest to feel the difference. The results we got were amazing not only weight/inches but hair, skin, energy & motivation. She's brought this into her life changed for the better (people actually asked her whats wrong with her now ha). It can be done, you need to want to..I presume you joined a slimming club to lose weight and feel healthy yes?

Now I understand life is a social event and I am human after all and don't mind the odd drink - I'm not some robot, so here's some alternatives I recommend to my members;

Go for cider over lager for the gluten free aspect
If your a shot person go for tequila every time
Choose red over white wine

DON'T do what my mum did and think I've give you license to drink cider now..I'm saying if you have to drink go for these alternatives.

Don't be what the slimming clubs want you to be - a wine drinking, binge eating, happy with half a pound weight loss a week women because all your doing is giving money away. Set an example to your kids and change their lives as well as yours.

REVEALED: The real secret to fat loss

Ever wondered why bad food taste so good & you always want more?

You are wired to eat foods that taste good, this isn't just down to society and the way of life - It's down to your body!!

Within your body you have two 'systems' Homeostatic and Hedonic who work together to keep you overweight..Unless the cycle is broken.

The Homeostatic system is a vicious circle of Adipose cells (Body Fat) working against the body. Adipose releases leptin, Leptin lets the brain know how much fat is in the body. The brain then tells the Adipose cells how much fat the body needs, simple enough right?

Wrong, the higher the levels of Adipose become this then desensitises Leptin receptors which then tells the brain we need MORE Adipose.

Homeostatic Cycle:

To break this cycle is a mind over matter situation, you don't want or need that chocolate bar your body fat wants it to feed its ever growing ego.

The Hedonic system works similar to the Homeostatic system and in conjunction are a powerful enemy in the fight against the flab.

The Hedonic part of the body is your reward system, it constantly craves food that tastes good (chocolate, takeaways, sugary/salty snacks) in return for 'good behaviour' it rewards you with dopamine, which is a feel good sensation. Dopamine leads to addictive behaviour eg drugs, alcohol, gambling and food . When dopamine levels increase sensitive body receptors decrease, in turn the body then needs more sugary/salty food to feel the same dopamine highs.

The two systems work parallel and this creates overcome this you have to realise you have a problem - Food Addiction.

Once you come to terms with this you have to realise the body wants fat to keep you insulated amongst other things.

You can either let it get the better of you and become obese and unhealthy or fight against it and be in the best shape of your life

Which one do you want to be?

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Why is it so easy to gain weight & so hard to lose it?

Hey there,

  It feels like ages since I last wrote an article, I've been pretty fucking busy of late creating new formula's & dropping women a dress size in 15 days plus booking some well deserved holidays!

I question I seem to be asked a lot over the recent months is

 'Why is it so easy to put weight on but not to lose it'? 

I could say the answers simple but it's not. From my experience every women is a fluctuater, your either losing weight by dieting or gaining weight by having a binge, right? 

You have your time of the months where most of you want to eat your own body weight in chocolate, crisps or biscuits. After this week you 'have the taste for it' I'm not going to baffle you with big words and long explanations but to put it simply there's a system in your body that wants shit food, the more you feed it the more it wants and it goes on until your in a vicious cycle of eating crap and you end up feeling crap, so what do you need? To eat more sugary shite to raise your feel good hormones. Which does work for a couple of hours but you'll then obviously need to raise them again.

This is emotional eating, 9 out of 10 people have an emotional eating problem and to me the problem lies with our parents..Yes I said it our parents, take yourself back to school, when you came home and had a awesome school report what did you get 'treated' with? If you banged your head what was given to you to make you feel better? If you cried what was given you to cheer you up? Do you see a pattern emerging?

Food is and has always been a way of making you feel better about yourself, we're not taught as kids to think of food as fuel we're taught that food is there to comfort you, to DE-stress you, to make you happy. Now I can't solely blame our parents because their parents would have done the same to them, it's passed through. I'm too myself are to blame with my daughter, she gets an award at school or 10/10 on her spellings then it's off out to celebrate by having food out. It's automatic, we don't even think about it we celebrate most things with food - birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, new jobs etc.

Going back to my point this is the reason it's so easy to gain weight you end up in a spiral of uncontrollable eating until at some point, you put a dress on that use to fit and think SHIT I better get myself some weight off sharpish. 

This kick up the arse usually last for around 2-3 weeks before you get bored with eating healthy and not having a social life because your not allowed to have this, that or the other OR you want to stick to it but it is so god damn hard to do it because you've not been taught properly what choices to make instead you look at calorie intake or the 'healthy options' and these aren't as tasty as the meals your friends are having and you feel left out and isolated. 

If you go against the grain and try to achieve your perfect body or even just feel better about yourself, it seems everything in the world is against you. You gain weight quicker because you know no other way of living & eating. 

To live a clean eating lifestyle you would be the outcast, the unsociable one. You'd be the one not drinking while everyone else is 'having fun', you'd be the one not having a takeaway while everyone is scoffing down a kebab, you'd be the one not invited to a meal round at your friends house because your too difficult to cook for.

After spending your life trying to fit in, it'd be a waste to do something different right?

My answer is - how happy are you with your body?

Do you want to change? Most people do but never know how to approach it.

How can you integrate losing weight into everyday life. 

Number one stay the fock away from slimming clubs they promote binge eating and that's the last thing you want to be doing! 'Save your points & starve yourself so you can all out caveman on the weekend' but hey if that's your bag then do it, I'm here only to advise oh and don't do a fad or magazine diet - pointless.

Find something that fits your lifestyle, because you want this long term. it could be you like to have a feed at weekends, in that case eat clean Monday - Friday when your in your routine of work and allow yourself a cheat or two Saturday & Sunday. 

You could be the busiest person alive and 'haven't got time to eat' (BTW I love this one, would you let your child not eat because it's to busy?) if this is the case, GET PREPARED! don't wing it on the day cook your meals in advance Tupperware them up and ping them.

Or use FaceBook, it can let you connect with many a Fit pro, see what services they offer and jump on board, invest in yourself (How much money would you pay so you can spend an extra 10/15 years living?)

           'Proper Planning & Preparation Prevents Piss Poor Preformance'

Sunday, 12 August 2012

Eat fast food, Lose weight!

Okay the the title may sound a bit crazy but it's true!!

I bet you love a good old takeaway at weekend or some shit food, right?

You find 'dieting' or eating healthy so god damn hard? You feel like your depriving yourself, missing out? can't be social?..Well I'm here to tell you, you can eat that shit and it's actually good for you!

Hold on before you dash off to the fridge for chocolate let me explain...

Everybody has a fat burning hormone called leptin in your body, this is your main trigger point for fat loss.

High leptin levels = More fat burn/higher metabolism

It works like this, when you have just started your weight loss kick your leptin levels will be high due to the amount of fat that's in your body being used as energy to substitute for the food your bodies usually use to. As you continue, your leptin levels start to be become less effective.

Ever noticed you drop more weight at the beginning of a diet and it gradually slows down over the weeks?

So how can use fast food to lose weight?

When your losing weight it always slows down but by consistently spiking insulin levels on a weekly basis it one keeps your body on it's toes and two makes leptin work it's arse off to burn fat.

To keep leptin levels in the optimum fat burning zone, pick ONE day per week and treat yourself to whatever meal you want..and I mean ANYTHING.

The rules are simple;

  • Half an hour beforehand drink one pint of water 
  • Give yourself a 45 minute window to eat your cheat
  • Take one omega3 fish oil immediately after to keep fat burning on 

The next day expect to feel like shit, we call this a carb hangover! This time it's very easy to stray away from you plan. The CHEAT is all about mindset - your not eating it to make you feel good or normal it's purely scientific. Raising leptin to continue fat loss.

Don't feel guilty or feel that your undoing all your hard work, obviously don't go OTT with 4 big mac, 3 pizzas and a bucket of ice cream but have a takeaway, go out to your favourite restaurant..this will make loosing weight easier & faster.

40 Days, 40 nights to a new you...

Hope you are all having a fab & healthy pancake day.

Tomorrow is the start of lent, 40 days & nights where we are encouraged to give up or do something. Religious or not this is a great way to set yourself a 40 day target.

With dedication and hardwork you could transform yourself and find your hidden you. Look at what my first batch of clients achieved in just 15 days -

Here's some helpful tips to make your 40 day journey a little easier...

• Get 7-8 hours sleep a night otherwise you'll be prone to sugary snacking due to a constant need to boost energy levels.

• One day a week finishing eating at 8pm and break your fast at 1pm the next day combined with a solid sleep you can burn up to twice as much fat.

• A 20 min high intense workout is more effective then slugging away for 1-2 hours on the treadmill

• Eat before your hungry! Pre-emptive eating stops you from snacking to replenish insulin levels

• Read this blog To understand why we are addicted to junk food in the first place -->

I hope your journey is a successful one be sure to reach out to me on
• Facebook or
• Twitter -

Sunday, 5 August 2012

Exercise, Diet, Exercise, Diet = No results!?

I'm going to get right into this burning question..

Can you out train a bad diet?

Do you spend pointless hours exercising to counter out the food your eating, do you do 500 calorie's extra so you can eat X tomorrow?

Is this a productive way to to get the body you want? Your basically plateauing!

'I'll skip breakfast so I can have McDonald's at lunch but I'll burn that off later in the gym so technically I'm okay' or 'I've had a good workout I'll treat myself to a takeaway'

You see the point I'm getting at, right. When you've spent weeks in the gym and you look in the mirror and nothings changed, you get disheartened yes? You think what's the point in all this! But no one ever looks at their eating habits, joining a gym doesn't come with a magic pill it's hard fucking work getting the body you want.

Every person NEEDS accountability, I bet your results massively improve when someone is holding you accountable for you actions be it friends, in a group, personal trainer or boot camp.

If none of the above appeal to you or your not confident enough yet to share your journey, start today with a food diary and be truthful with yourself, remember your only cheating yourself at the end of the day! The aim is to read back over the week and see were your going wrong, this way you'll be able to pinpoint exactly why your not getting results. 70% of a weight loss is your food intake, the remaining 30% is exercise.

Here's an example..
You eat food to fuel your every day life (quality food by the way, no processed shite), the excess fat then floats about in your body ready  waiting to be used as energy, your workout then scoops up this floating fat and uses it as energy. This cycle WILL drop fat!

But you need to train smart, what do I mean by smart?

Smart, Effective training! Don't waste hours on a treadmill or sat on a bike burning calories. hit up an interval based session. A simple 30 seconds on, 30 seconds off will do over a 20-25 minute period to start with. Aim to workout multi muscles on each exercise - bicep curls and situps won't do shit, squats, burpees will!

If you are a shy person who doesn't want to venture out in to the world of weight loss for fear of being judged. I have a In your living room, 15 day drop a dress programme starting on Wednesday. The doors close Monday 6th August

Here's the link -

And just incase you haven't got facebook...


  You've all heard of my HLW15 online program right and I bet you've been wondering where it's disappeared to!?

  I shelved it a while back to test some new crazy fat stripping methods on new victims...err clients, I mean clients ;P. Since then I have create my BLAST formula and the bigger/badder version BLAST v2.0 - this is getting insane results in my Fat Blast Academy.

Not only have I made it super simple to follow and more 'society adapted', it's alkaline friendly, aids IBS, suitable for ceolic sufferers, Re balances your hormones for a better menstrual cycle and is doctor approved. 

So why am I telling you all this?

The reason I tell you this is because over the past couple of months I have had A LOT of messages, emails etc off females wanting me to help them drop fat but are unable to get down to my academy. After a some fine tuning in the FBA lab my online program is ready to blow shit up for those of you who can't get babysitters, don't drive, work full time or just don't like exercising in front of people.

Gone of the days of not knowing what to eat, spending pointless hours on a treadmill, taking advice from your weekly magazine on the latest celebrity fad diet!

I want 15 women who are seriously serious about dropping a daft amount of fat from thier belly/love handle area - we're talking inches not weight loss here so if you are of the slimming club mentality this program isn't for you - you stick to your advised 1 pound of whatever the fuck you lose a week as long as the scales are lower than last week.

Don't bother reading on if..

You can't be bothered preparing food and rather have ping meals/takeaway
You have no get up & go
When you look in the mirror your happy with what you see
You don't want to drop a dress size in 15 days

  • I ONLY want you if want to drop FAT
  • I ONLY want you if you want to earn a new sexy body with hard work
  • I ONLY want you if are sick of taking shit advice from slimming clubs, magazines and the latest fad diet
  • I ONLY want you if you are sick and tired of being unhappy about the way you look

Do you want to work with me for 15 days and get results like below?

Kim on our last online program..6 pack just 16 months after having her second child!?

Did you say YES but whats involved?

We workout twice a day but for no longer than 40 minutes combined
You will be provided with my awesome BLAST formula (we eat 5 times a day and this ISN'T a no carb diet!)
You will be part of my secret Facebook support group
You will be taking simple supplements to optimize preformance
You have access to me & Lianne 24/7 for 15 days

Is this still for you?

It's pretty Simple to 'get in' all I'm asking for is a teeny tiny bit of commitment from yourself to show me that your not going to waste my time (I only work with people who want to be helped & are sick of never getting results)

A commitment deposit of £25 is all that's needed for me to help you get YOU back!

But here's my side of the bargain, you do everything I ask of you (Food, Exercise, supplementation) and I will give you BACK your £25 at the end of the 15 days, fair enough?

Are you ready to take 15 days out of your life and go against the society grain to create the body you have always wanted?

Go here to secure your spot now ----->
We start on Wednesday 8th August - No diet starts on Monday here!!

I will see you on the other side

PS - This program will be going up to £67 the next time we run it in September, don't let the next month past you by still feeling unhappy.

Sunday, 29 July 2012

How to banish belly fat...

As you can imagine training with women day in, day out I need to keep my finger on the pulse about how to lose that stubborn belly fat.

In my latest B.L.A.S.T fat loss formula I've gone deeper into hormonal balancing, manipulization of insulin  levels and alkalising PH levels and the reason is to reduce belly fat (Greater Omentum)

Do a simple test for me right now..suck your belly button towards your spine, the flabby bit of stomach that left is your greater omentum. This is the fat you need to target to create the flat stomach you desire.

Having an enlarged greater omentum will slow down lipo-protein progress, lipo-protein transfers fat around the body to be use as energy. 

So how can you reduce your belly fat?

Take a look at your nutrition, 80% of fat loss is the food you eat - Up your intake of green vegetables, protein and replace white carbs to wholemeal, have one cheat meal a week to reset leptin levels and make sure your drinking the right amount of water for your body (1 litre per 50lbs of bodyweight)

Start training smart use interval training to raise fitness levels quickly and zap the fat! Don't concentrate on abdominal exercises, use as many muscles as possible in each exercises ie burpees, mountain climbers, tuck jumps, star jumps. After training go for a walk or do some yoga to burn off excess energy that's floating about after your intense workout.

Change your mindset from weight loss to inch loss. Keep a tab on your chest, waist, hips and thighs with 4 weekly measure in days to make sure your losing fat not muscle.

After a recent poll on facebook about which body parts you struggle with, I'm releasing my first Ebook about everything you need to know about losing belly fat. Click the subscribe to me link at the top right to make sure you get it for free!! 


Sunday, 22 July 2012

What the f*ck has golf gotta do with your weight loss


  Hope you've had an awesome weekend

  With the Golf open finishing today, I thought this blog would be very apt - You may have been bored to tears with it but for someone like me I loved it!

Before my first venture out onto a golf course a couple of years back, I had pigeon holed the type of people that play - retired with nothing else better to do than waste 3,4,5 hours walking around a bit of grass trying to get a little white ball into a hole using a stick of metal.

Well how wrong was I! I got the golf bug big time....

As I continue to play I'm finding strange parallels between golf & weight loss... hang on, bear with me.....

So you start at the beginning of the course and you have a target (or a 'par') to complete the round in, There's 18 holes to complete, each hole takes you a step further to the end, within each hole there is a mini target. So to compare this to weight loss you set yourself a target be it weight, fat %, dress size within a certain amount of time, break this overall target up into little goals over your set period, making the ultimate finishing post more acheivable and not as big as first thought.

Let's take that you want to drop 3 dress sizes in 3 months as your target, sounds a big ask right? break it down into 3 small goals - Your aim is to drop 1 dress size every 30 days!? not so big a target now. 

When I started playing I wanted to complete each individual hole as quickly as possible, this often led me to go all round the houses and end up taking more time to complete each hole. If I had concentrated on making the ball go straight and not looking at getting on the green in one shot I would have actually achieved my target a lot quicker and saved a lot of frustration. - Simply put don't rush to your target, plan it properly and make sure you use the right tools. Slimming clubs, fad & magazine diets are only gonna take you off track and mind fuck into improper eating habits. Eat clean, train intensely & metabolically and make sure your mind is prepared for the journey.

 I may have an awful round (9/10 this is the case), this doesn't get me down or make me feel like I don't want to play anymore, I want to go back and show that course who's boss ASAP! - Just because you may have a bad day or have ate shit all weekend, don't wait till monday. Remember your only one workout or one meal away from getting back on it

I have to make sure I have the right equipment, the proper techniques, the right mindset - If I turned up with a baseball bat thinking I'll hit & hope my way round where's that gonna get me!?? - Don't turn up to the gym/ bootcamp/ class expecting it to cancel out your takeaway at weekend or the alcohol your going to have tonight. This is pointless because it's not taking you closer to your goal it's keeping you stationary or even a step backwards.

Now when I finally get round a golf course within the target shots that sense of achievement will be well deserved, knowing I've put my all into reaching that milestone I set back when I started my journey. - Always have your final target in mind, feel the feeling you'll have when you can fit into that dress/target pants you've have worked your ass off to get into and say 'I did this'


Sunday, 8 July 2012

Forgot To Feed A Baby!!? Whoops!

Hey there Ian here, Hope you've all had a fab weekend with friends & family...I'm gonna refer back to a post Lianne did back in August 2011. I've spoke to a lot of people recently about lack of planning so I thought this would be very apt.....

Okay this week we have super awesome guest blog from the women who puts the 'fit' into TLF Fitness' - Co-Owner Miss Lianne Pattison!!.....

 So there I was handing our GORGEOUS  6 week old niece back to her mum after looking after her for the afternoon when I came across this whole point of this blog.... obviously she asked the usual questions; " Was she ok? Did she have a sleep? Did she take her bottle ok? "  The reaction to what I said next floored her, I ACTUALLY thought she was gonna kill me!! eeeekkkk.....

So I said, " Sorry.... I didn't feed her - I didn't have time!! "

Shocked? Disgusted? Feeling like YOU wanna kill me? Phone Social Services?..... I know, I know but tell me this if I said " I didn't have breakfast today, I didn't have time " would you really bat an eyelid????  Or "God I'm starving I didn't get chance for lunch today"

Soooooo many times throughout the day I hear sayings like the above.  Tell me this, why is it ok to mis-treat ourselves but yet a child we wouldn't dream of doing such things?  Do you not respect your body?  Do you not think you deserve to be treated well?  At what age is it that we change from being a child who you wouldn't ever let harm come to, into this thing that it doesn't matter if we fuel it or not?

How many of you remember being told by your folks:

You're not leaving this table until you eat your dinner....
You can have something after you have eaten your food....
Well if you don't eat it now it will be back there in the morning for breakfast....
No, you can't have that..... because your tea is nearly ready..... because its tea time......

and you pass this on to your kids right?..... So when are they allowed to stop!?..... You did!!

Make time, allow yourself to eat, get up 10 mins earlier for some brekkie and every time you start to think 'but I don't have time.... I can't....'  Just think would you let a child do that?  Or ok for those of you without children, a pet - you wouldn't let an animal starve would you, you'd be reported to the RSPCA in no time....or no pets just think would your parents have let this happen to you as a child.

I know what you busy women are thinking, especially hairdressers, you are the worse for this!  " I'm too busy at work to eat, I have to grab something quick"  Well get onto your employers because let me tell you this you are entitled for a break for lunch and if you can't sit for 10 mins to eat you are overworked and probably under paid!!  Again think of a child - imagine them coming home from school, "Mum/Dad I couldn't have lunch today the teacher said we were too busy practising for the school play" IMAGINE!!  You would be at that office before I could say dinner (and I have seen some of you lioness's with your cubs - SCARY!!)

Or here is my favourite; I have been guilty in the past myself of this.... office workers.... you cant eat a balanced diet as you don't want to offend others you work with... eg/ my mum asked for some food advice, when egg or fish was suggested well god no that's a crime in office world!!  The smell would offend others!  True its not the best smell in the world but you know what your health is more important than someones nose, I am here to say to you SCREW THEM!! Open a friggin' window for gods sake, spray a bit of freshener it will go!  I'm gonna put it to you like this, would you prefer to add an extra couple of years on your life to spend with your children by eating a balanced diet and shedding those pounds OR spend a few years trying to please the office moaner for a smell that will last all of 1 hour??

So treat yourself with that little bit of extra care, food is important to your body, its what makes it work - put it in your routine like you would brushing your teeth - you wouldn't go out of the house without brushing your teeth (or I hope not!!) so don't go without your brekkie..... A friend of mine had a statement which I thought was brilliant; the perfect end to my blog - I'm sure she wont mind me sharing:

"Food is not your friend or enemy, it's simply fuel for your body - nothing more nothing less"

p.s - Of course I did feed the baby!!! It was just to see her mum's reaction!?! ;o)

 So there you go people - always remember the 7 P's
Proper Planning & Preparation Prevents Piss Poor Performance

Sunday, 1 July 2012

What to eat on a night out with Mr Christian Grey...


Tomorrow I am taking part in Nisha Obaidullah 6 week ab challenge, something she runs annually for fitpros but this year she's opened it up for everyone so it should be fun.

Before the hard work starts I decided to take my Lianne (my better half) & Tiana (my 6 going on 16 year old daughter) out for a meal (a little reward for my daughter receiving an amazing school report) and what started out as a celebratory meal ended up in realising that women analyse everything; and I mean EVERYTHING!!

 Now I have heard Lianne on her 'girlie nights' (code name for a sinking a bottle of wine, painting nails & bitch about boys night ha) discussing matters that I like to call 'dribble' and usually I take no notice but for once a group of women actually made some sense!?

So I'm at the meal.... we're sat at the table next to a group of women and there was like 10 conversations going on at once mainly about 50 shades of grey, how you girls can keep up is beyond me!? 

Usually I wouldn't take any notice but there conversations always fell back to 'What they can't eat'.... We had points, free foods(c'mon seriously WTF) 'I've earn't myself 'X' amount of extra points', co-ordination of foods together, Fad diets, latest magazine before and after diet  - the list goes on! The most shocking sentence I heard was 'Being on a diet ruins your social life!' sound familiar to anyone??

So it got me thinking, how many of you avoid being social-able whilst on a 'diet'? - (I'm sure you are all aware I hate that word with a passion!)

I'm not joking you; we'd ordered our meals, Tiana had checked out the toilets and we'd received our drinks with starters well on the way before the group of women had decided what they can and cant have! 

I could see the frustration in the waiter just wanting to take an order and I can imagine most people have chosen thier 3 course meal before you've picked apart the menu too so with this in mind and JUST in case your on a date with your Mr Grey here's my gift to you.

 Ian's 5 Top 'going out with no worries to points,days or calories' tips. 

I'm going to list you 5 points, in order, to make this simpler for you and of course more enjoyable so that you can just order your food and go back to talking your 'dribble' ...

1) Drinks!

Get a glass/jug of water, spice up your life with a lemon or orange in it, not only is it good for you it will
diminish that 'fake hunger' and will put you in the mood for ordering the correct food. 

2) Starters!

Check out the soup of the day, if its water based then get it, its gonna fill you up just right and
is light and not fried, or go for the prawn cocktail.
Remember this is a STARTER, its not suppose to fill you up to the point you don't want your
main meal.

3) Main Course

Meat & fish over pasta & pizza dishes:
Meat & fish are packed with protein which as we know is the biggest fat burner in the body, pasta/pizza are full of fast releasing carbs which will cling on to your fat storage area.

'Is that Chips, Salad or Jacket' 

Go for the greens every time, salad or vegetables gets my vote. Greens help fight fat by reducing insulin levels.

4) Actual Eating!

Ok so as you are all on these crazed 'diets' and probably only had a Ryvita in the space of 2
days, you're gonna be starving and mauling this meal like a caveman... well don't!
Eat slowly!! Chew your food properly, have a little drink inbetween and come up for air!! Talk
some 'dribble' inbetween - enjoy being out!

5) Dessert!

Yes that's right - dessert!

 Now if you have followed all the steps above you should be feeling pretty satisfied with your meal and full so that you can pass on dessert without any regrets! However, I know everyone has a sweet tooth or a 'separate part of the stomach', 

Hey I have one myself... so instead of ordering a full on sweet fest for yourself just order 1 to share... that way you're going to satisfy your sweet tooth and not over-indulge on 'calories' or you could just order a coffee to finish off your meal. Be different.

So there you have it - my 5 top tips to enjoying and yet controlling a meal out, it doesn't matter what diet your following or how many points are in the food, you're out for a meal for a reason so enjoy it!

Sunday, 24 June 2012

The Importance of Growth Hormones for fat loss

Today I'm going to tell you how the amount of growth hormone (GH) in your body can effect the rate you drop fat.

Now don't get confused by the fact it has GROWTH in it's name, it's one of the best natural ways to drop fat. Growth hormone (GH) has two functions..

GH combined with insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) stimulates bone growth and also as a side note can help with muscle growth but the factor we want to look at is the direct effect;

GH's goal is to decrease fat via a three ponged attack 

1. Protein - GH stimulates protein and as we know protein is the biggest fat burner in the body
2. Fat - GH stimulates fat cell breakdown
3. Carbohydrate - GH maintains sugar levels by manipulating insulin and feeding it into the right pockets to optimize use for insulin effected fat loss.

So we know what it does but how do we increase it?

Sleep is the main provider, by getting a solid 7-8 hours sleep you can actually double your GH, Throw in some resistance training early morning and your GH output will sky rocket, go for a weight, band or bodyweight training over the long drawn out process of a treadmill/ XTrainer/ bike. this type of training is majorly effective especially if you do it in intervals i.e 40 seconds work, 20 seconds rest for 20-25 minutes. Always aim to hit up some amino acids BEFORE exercise, you can get these in supplement form or if you prefer a more natural source have some chicken, turkey or eggs. 
Regular eating improves the general flow of GH, aim to eat clean food every 3-4 hours over a 12 hour period, go for meat, fish, veg, fruit, unsalted nuts and water. Not only will it keep your insulin levels level but will stop that urge for mid afternoon snacking. Resist a pig out on bad foods like crisps, chocolate, takeaway etc before you go to bed this will decrease GH massively and undo all that hard work you've put in!

These three factors combined will produce so much GH that your body won't know whats hit it's fat storage. Did you know that the greatest GH increase is within your first two hours of sleep!? 

Take these really simple steps and you will have that beach body in time! 

Monday, 18 June 2012

Jealousy will get you nowhere!!

Right gonna get right into this because it's been playing in my mind for a couple of weeks now, I seem to have had a LOT criticism recently on my before & after pictures. Comments like this...

Where do these people get off? My clients work hard for their results, really fucking hard and you get dickheads like this!

I spend a lot of time with my clients getting their mindset changed after years of fad diets & slimming club abuse who drip feed them shit advice, deal with low confidence, low self esteem and bad body images, it's takes ONE of these jealous retards to comment to blow all this work and take them back to square one.

'If you have nothing good to say...say nothing'


I understand your first reaction is to attack people who have or who are changing their lives for the better, it's kinda like a reflex to defend your own insecurities, but do you know what your comments are doing to not only my clients but others?

I always ask how's your diet going? Strangely I never get a reply...weird right? Seems the likes of person X has never been overweight & lives for clean food and hard training.

I have been fortunate enough to have changed many peoples lives over my 4 + years of personal training and am now regarded as a fat loss & nutrition expert, on the back of this I was backed up by my clients, ex clients, people who know of my work, fellow fit-pros & mentor. 40+ comments of positivity (and giving me a general ego boost) brings to light the rewards of my 'job'.

The good defiantly outweigh the few bad eggs out there!

Below is the full picture and transcript of support and unfortunate slating of me and Clare.

PS - Don't worry about eating clean eating & working your ass off just breath in... ;)

PPS - I'm commenting as how to lose weight in 15 days

8 people like this.

Elisha Cross Barnes
Wow what a change :)
20 February at 19:51 · Like

Nikki Pattison
That's awesome!! The change in shape is fantastic, in only 15 days??? How and can I do it??
20 February at 21:37 · Like

How To Lose Weight In 15 Days!?
Hey there Nikki - YES! This program is designed for anyone... Email us at: and we'll send all details through :D
20 February at 21:39 · Like · 1

Nikki Pattison
That's fab!! Will do :)
20 February at 21:53 · Like · 1

Joanna Carter
 looks like shes holding her breath in to me doesnt look much different
6 June at 15:17 · Like

How To Lose Weight In 15 Days!?
 I'm sure Clare would be grateful for your comment Joanna after she worked hard on the 15 days... confidence boosting like that, who needs programs like this hey!?
6 June at 15:25 · Like

Angelina Morris
no Joanna its all true has I follow the diet plan myself
6 June at 15:25 · Like

Joanna Carter
Well if you are saying it works Angelina then i believe you :-) im just abit unsure when they advertise these diets on the net they always tell you to be careful
6 June at 15:29 · Like

Angelina Morris
Yeah it's great good clean eating and you don't have to starve love it
6 June at 15:30 · Like · 1

How To Lose Weight In 15 Days!?
 So you will take Angelina's word but yet the picture has you dis-believed? Please take care to look properly at our program before making judgement, this is ran by one of The North West's leading Fat Loss Experts - Ian Foran not just an internet scam...
6 June at 15:33 · Like

Joanna Carter
Oh look they want money out of you that makes it suss right away its a con like all the rest
6 June at 15:41 · Like
How To Lose Weight In 15 Days!?
Hey Jo it's Ian the trainer - do you pay for the gym? do you pay for exercise equipment? is this also a con?? I'm regarded as one of the elite fat loss experts in the north west and people pay a lot for my services to create them awesome bodies, build confidence and find themselves again. How's your diet working out for you? you can find me here

Ian Tlf Foran
6 June at 15:49 · Like · 1 ·

Sonia Roczniak
Seriously? If you think you can change your body shape just by breathing in then why does anyone diet or exercise then?? It's quite clear from the pictures that her body shapes changed quite a bit & if people can't see it then there's something wrong!
6 June at 16:04 · Unlike · 2

Michelle Davenport
why dont u try it first and then comment, u get ur money back if it doesnt so wat u got to lose, wish i could breath in and change shape lol get a grip
6 June at 16:09 · Unlike · 3

Joanna Carter
 Its like smoking if you really want to give up you dont need all these gimicks to help the same as you dont need these con diets to help you lose weight if you really want to lose it you can do it on your own and those pictures could be of two different people if they want money from you then its a con
6 June at 16:32 · Like

Joanna Carter
If you that good a trainer what you doing on here commenting on peoples pages you should be out there training not messing around on here taking peoples money when like you say they can go down the gym and do it for half that price
6 June at 16:36 · Like

How To Lose Weight In 15 Days!?
‎(Ian) Some people need the support of a group, we promote life changes you seem like someone that can do it by themselves which is cool...but there's a lot of people out there that can't. I wish there was more positive, supportive people out there like you in our group
6 June at 16:36 · Like

How To Lose Weight In 15 Days!?
Peoples pages?..this is my page, I run 3 sessions a day 06:45,10 & 6 so my afternoons are filled with chatting to the been there, done it all people like yourself...
6 June at 16:39 · Like

Faz Aoufi
 SMOKING CRACK WILL DO IT IN 15 DAYS,,,,,u cant lose lots a weight in 15 days,,normal,,.. That photo is just the same weight in all of them,,just diff angles and sucking in,., cple a pounds in two week healthy way
6 June at 16:42 · Like

How To Lose Weight In 15 Days!?
Faz your deluded mate...put the crack pipe down
6 June at 16:44 · Like · 1

Lisa Luvslifegrainger Birty X
Lmfao jo seriously ian is 1 of the best around as a trainer i actualy was with them for 6 months and the differance was good as ya can tell by my before n adters if they on here sumwer and tbh if i could afford it id still be there now plz dont question ian as a trainer coz he knows wat hes talkin bout ill tell u that for nowt hun
6 June at 16:44 · Unlike · 1

Faz Aoufi
Im not questioning any one as a trainer,,... I said losing lots a weight in 15 days can be bad for you,,.. and that picture is all the same,,..cloths a tight fit in all of them,, belly out,,other being sucked in,,. just saying how its looks
6 June at 16:47 · Like

How To Lose Weight In 15 Days!?
We're not losing weight, I drop fat completely different and if you have the knowledge that I have of hormonal balancing, mindset and nutrition then anything is possible...I get result upon result and I like to have my clients in the same clothes/location to highlight - everything is transparent for all to see. No breathing in/out needed
6 June at 16:52 · Like

Paul Mort
wowsers... GREAT results. just wondering how the clients of the guys that are commenting are doing?? actually scrap that, by the comments am not sure they have any. GREAT WORK CLARE!!! WELL DONE
6 June at 16:57 · Unlike · 3

Lisa Luvslifegrainger Birty X
 Dint say u was faz i sed jo and u seriosly have problems look carefully ull see the differance same clothes to show b4 n afters wiv same clothes
6 June at 17:00 · Unlike · 1

Hayley Connor
 Omg some people are so rude. That 15days is bloody hard work. If you cant say anything nice dont say anything at all.
6 June at 17:00 · Unlike · 2

Kelly Lowe
It's actually worth every penny!! It isn't even a lot to be honest, I had a gym membership for 6 months & never lost much weight, been with TLF fitness just over a week & seen great results already!! If your doubting that it can be done come down & try it yourself!!!
6 June at 17:09 · Unlike · 2

Vanessa Sedgwick
I can honestly say that after my 15 days not only had I lost weight and inches but I felt FANTASTIC I had so much energy and felt great top to toe, the weight is a bonus. It's a lifestyle change and education not a quick fix diet.
6 June at 17:10 · Unlike · 2

MartinRevolution Healthandfitness Scrafton
hahaha your always gonna have the skeptics and nay sayers mate... i love people who are negative about what you do yet havent even seen the nutritional principals you prescribe or thw workouts you have designed and implemented... its funny however that the people who have seen them and tasted there sweeeet results are all backing you 100%...... ya gotta have the negs mate other wise who would you prove wrong. keep it up pal.
6 June at 17:14 · Unlike · 5

Ben Griffiths
Absoultely amazes me the amount of negative, bitchy people out there! dear god what the fuc! Cant you just appretiate hard work, great program superb trainer, superb results..... keep up the great work, igonore the negativerty and snide comments!....... it is possible to become healthy and lose weight quickly you know! its just not many people have a superb program and aaded passion like Ian Tlf Foran
6 June at 17:15 · Unlike · 4

Graeme Sweetie Markham
faz... who says losing a couple of lbs a week is the "healthy" way to do things?? have you followed a nutrition and training plan set a expert? or are you down playing peoples achievements who have obviously worked hard following the plans set? if you honestly think that this is "camera angles" and "breathing in" mate you have something wrong

awesome work clare! owned that s**t! tremendous work :)
6 June at 17:22 · Unlike · 3

Kimberley Jane McDowell
Absolute joke, yea I got a six pack by holding my breath in not working my ass off and eating clean food........I DON'T THINK SO! It takes time dedication hard work and a great personal trainer ... I'm in the best shape I have been for years and it's all thanks to TLF Fitness xxx ignore the negative people they r the ones who mustn't b happy with their results !!!!!!
6 June at 17:30 · Unlike · 4

How To Lose Weight In 15 Days!?
I'd love to get involved more in this but I've gotta go and teach my hard working clients how to breath in properly...
6 June at 17:30 · Like · 5

Graeme Sweetie Markham
breath in??? her complete body shape has changed..... lol
6 June at 17:32 · Unlike · 1

Kimberley Jane McDowell
 It's gets me that people comment let alone have the disregard to criticise something that they have no idea about or know anyone who has been involved in any of the programmes .... This has changed people's life's !!!!!
6 June at 17:38 · Unlike · 1

Nikki Pattison
Seeing this picture and personally seeing the results I know it's no gimmick and a great deal of hard work both from the client and trainers! I'm Nikki in the love handles picture, pretty difficult to hold those in!! It's changed my lifestyle and outlook!! Personally want to say too all those disbelievers why not try it yourself before slating amazing well earned results!!!
6 June at 18:58 · Unlike · 2

Julie Scott
How dare you "internet people" try to con honest citizens out of their hard earned cash by teaching them how to eat properly, giving them a personalised workout plan and getting them into great shape?! It's an absolute disgrace!! Sheesh!......See more
6 June at 19:39 · Unlike · 2

Rose Burke
Oh my word. Tell ya what put your money where your mouth is and join us ! Let's see if it's not possible then eh ! How rude. Do you think it's easy - coz I will tell you now I worked bloody hard for my results and I'm proud of myself - not ...See more
6 June at 19:40 · Unlike · 2

Afsheen Ashraf
This programme has taught me what I’ve been doing wrong for the past ten years, with all that yo-yo dieting (slimming clubs) & the long hours I spent slogging it out at the gym (yet seeing no REAL results)…which both cost me a hell of a lot...See more
6 June at 20:29 · Unlike · 2

How To Lose Weight In 15 Days!?
 ‎(Ian) wow guys pretty overwhelmed by these comments! There will always be people who question these insane results but it's you guys that make it worthwhile... Keep up the awesome work! :)
6 June at 20:44 · Like

Michael Anderson
 Ian you know it works results are amazing, don't worry about anything else
6 June at 22:43 · Unlike · 2

How To Lose Weight In 15 Days!?
Cheers dude
7 June at 08:14 · Like

Samantha Davenport
 After reading everyones comments and seeing peoples before and after pictures, I CANT WAIT to start this bootcamp in july, just wish id of heard about you earlier :) x
10 June at 21:05 · Unlike · 1

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