Hey there Ian here, Hope you've all had a fab weekend with friends & family...I'm gonna refer back to a post Lianne did back in August 2011. I've spoke to a lot of people recently about lack of planning so I thought this would be very apt.....
Okay this week we have super awesome guest blog from the women who puts the 'fit' into TLF Fitness' - Co-Owner Miss Lianne Pattison!!.....
So there I was handing our GORGEOUS 6 week old niece back to her mum after looking after her for the afternoon when I came across this whole point of this blog.... obviously she asked the usual questions; " Was she ok? Did she have a sleep? Did she take her bottle ok? " The reaction to what I said next floored her, I ACTUALLY thought she was gonna kill me!! eeeekkkk.....
So I said, " Sorry.... I didn't feed her - I didn't have time!! "
Shocked? Disgusted? Feeling like YOU wanna kill me? Phone Social Services?..... I know, I know but tell me this if I said " I didn't have breakfast today, I didn't have time " would you really bat an eyelid???? Or "God I'm starving I didn't get chance for lunch today"
Soooooo many times throughout the day I hear sayings like the above. Tell me this, why is it ok to mis-treat ourselves but yet a child we wouldn't dream of doing such things? Do you not respect your body? Do you not think you deserve to be treated well? At what age is it that we change from being a child who you wouldn't ever let harm come to, into this thing that it doesn't matter if we fuel it or not?
How many of you remember being told by your folks:
You're not leaving this table until you eat your dinner....
You can have something after you have eaten your food....
Well if you don't eat it now it will be back there in the morning for breakfast....
No, you can't have that..... because your tea is nearly ready..... because its tea time......
and you pass this on to your kids right?..... So when are they allowed to stop!?..... You did!!
Make time, allow yourself to eat, get up 10 mins earlier for some brekkie and every time you start to think 'but I don't have time.... I can't....' Just think would you let a child do that? Or ok for those of you without children, a pet - you wouldn't let an animal starve would you, you'd be reported to the RSPCA in no time....or no pets just think would your parents have let this happen to you as a child.
I know what you busy women are thinking, especially hairdressers, you are the worse for this! " I'm too busy at work to eat, I have to grab something quick" Well get onto your employers because let me tell you this you are entitled for a break for lunch and if you can't sit for 10 mins to eat you are overworked and probably under paid!! Again think of a child - imagine them coming home from school, "Mum/Dad I couldn't have lunch today the teacher said we were too busy practising for the school play" IMAGINE!! You would be at that office before I could say dinner (and I have seen some of you lioness's with your cubs - SCARY!!)
Or here is my favourite; I have been guilty in the past myself of this.... office workers.... you cant eat a balanced diet as you don't want to offend others you work with... eg/ my mum asked for some food advice, when egg or fish was suggested well god no that's a crime in office world!! The smell would offend others! True its not the best smell in the world but you know what your health is more important than someones nose, I am here to say to you SCREW THEM!! Open a friggin' window for gods sake, spray a bit of freshener it will go! I'm gonna put it to you like this, would you prefer to add an extra couple of years on your life to spend with your children by eating a balanced diet and shedding those pounds OR spend a few years trying to please the office moaner for a smell that will last all of 1 hour??
So treat yourself with that little bit of extra care, food is important to your body, its what makes it work - put it in your routine like you would brushing your teeth - you wouldn't go out of the house without brushing your teeth (or I hope not!!) so don't go without your brekkie..... A friend of mine had a statement which I thought was brilliant; the perfect end to my blog - I'm sure she wont mind me sharing:
"Food is not your friend or enemy, it's simply fuel for your body - nothing more nothing less"
p.s - Of course I did feed the baby!!! It was just to see her mum's reaction!?! ;o)
So there you go people - always remember the 7
Proper Planning & Preparation Prevents Piss Poor Performance