Over the years from as early as cavemen times to right now
in 2013 clean eating has been a way of life. Live of the land and avoid man
made foods = Pretty simple lifestyle choice to me!
Over these times fad
diets and crazes have come and faded – slimfast, dukan, Cambridge, atkins,
cabbage soup, juice plus to name a few
/--------------------------------Bold prediction----------------------------------/
Clean eating will rule all and leave everything in it’s wake
/--------------------------------Bold prediction----------------------------------/
While fads work for a short time but the long term effects
are not worth it
Everyone’s always looking for a quick fix and will spend £££££
on them because they're the easiest way to lose weight with out the hard work –
how much do you think you’ve spent over the years on fads?
I see the clean eating lifestyle is becoming more and more
popular. It seem the nation wants to get fitter, stronger and leaner not just
looking to drop weight and become saggy, choosing their clothes wisely and not
constantly living in their leggings.
They want to be healthy, toned and energised
I wanted to get it this out there and off my chest, it’s
been on my mind for months and observing recently from a different more,
satisfied point of view.
While these quick fixes come and go so does your weight with
it, the amount of women I’ve spoke too over the years that have tried every
diet under the sun in order to achieve their ideal bodies and are still looking
for that one thing to work.
When they finally dive into a lifestyle of clean eating and
training - they stick with it.
They choose it as a lifestyle, it’s easy to adapt, me &
Lianne spend a lot of time making it as sociable and ‘normal’ as possible and
guess what they achieve amazing results.
Why waste years investing your time into a
vicious diet cycle when you could go in one straight line directly to your dream body?
Being the most ‘expensive’ fitpro in Heywood, I get a lot of shit for not complying with
your £5 a throw slimming club weigh in or zumba class, but I believe if you won’t
invest in yourself you don’t want the best for your body .
If you want a tablet
you go for an iPad not an Acer right?
Lets flip the script for a moment
The average household spend £206 a month on takeaways & meals out. Obesity levels in Heywood are above the national average.
So by giving
them up these extras and enhancing your life is this not worth it? Do you not see investing
in yourself as a good thing. Not just with me but in general, do you not want
the best for your body, the best for your kids?
Do you not think all these quick fixes will not have an
effect on your hormones, digestive system, mindset later on in life
This saying is very apt – ‘buy cheap, buy twice’
Will you still be doing the same fad diet in 3 months or
would you have moved on to the next big craze?
Think and plan longer than your next event or night out,
think long term.
Get out of the ‘the diet starts Monday’ mindset , free
yourself from the tomorrow attitude
Live a lifestyle not
a cycle
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