Monday, 13 February 2012

If our ancestors could see us now!

Back at the beginning of time, let me introduce you to the caveman. The caveman ate nothing but meat,fish,fruit & veg, they were lean,mean hunting machines surviving on nothing but gut instinct.

The concept of fast food would have blown a caveman's mind! I recently watched a documentary called I,Caveman which took 10 people back to a time where men were men...and so were the women for 10 days.

They hunted for 8 days while only living on scraps of Fish, Rats and Plants. When they finally captured an Elk they ate like kings for days.

Now let's fast forward to 2012....

Imagine waiting eight days for food!?

With all the convenience food around nowadays you don't have to but with this much convenience we have become lazy!

People want things fast, they haven't got time to cook REAL food because it takes to long! WTF...your given 24 hrs a day

People are easily opt to get takeaways, microwave meals, just add water meals.

Yeah we have evolved from the caveman times but I think we should take a lot from where we come from and learn a little something.

Eat fresh, Appreciate food & take a little time to look after yourself.

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