Monday, 13 February 2012

Okay Im sorry, I was wrong....

Short & Sweet apology....

For years I've drilled into clients 'eat breakfast it's the most important meal of the day'...well you know what its not!

The whole point of breakfast is to break the fast, everybody fasts throughout the night. While fasting, your growth hormone levels increase, higher growth hormone levels equal greater fat being burned.

Now by putting your breakfast back 4 hours and getting a solid 7/8 hour sleep, Growth hormone can double in levels meaning your body will torch twice as much fat!!

Amazing right?

What I want to get across though is that while I'm endorsing 'skipping breakfast' as such I'm not telling you to skip it every day. Two 16 hour fasts per week will do the suffice, combined with lots of water and one green tea throughout the fast.

This isn't an excuse to eat shit and think you can cancel it out with a fast, thats just pointless and like I've always said you can't out train a bad diet.

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