Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Is Sleep important to creating a slimmer body

Sleep contributes to your mood, stress levels, memory, eating habits, muscle recovery & immune system, can you see why its so important?

So how can it be related to you losing weight?

Whilst your body sleeps it creates growth hormones (GH), GH stimulates your fat cells & fat cells are used as energy. With the 8-7 hour fast you unconsciously participate in every night that also creates GH - your actually burning two times more fat!

So I here you ask - I sleep every night, why am I not losing weight!?

Well, are you sleeping enough? - I recommend 8 hours sleep a night, a good nights sleep will leave you feeling more alert & energised, a lack of sleep results in the need for sugary snacks like chocolate,energy drinks,etc during the day to maintain energy and sugar levels. So a sleep can help with your diet.

Do you watch TV before bed? - Having a TV on or your phone in the room sends out the wrong signals to the body about your 'room of relaxation'. you'll end up staying up to watch the end of something or a late night text message could disturb a blissful sleep. Switch everything off and fully relax in a darkened room.

Is your mind switched off? - you can spend your time in bed thinking over events from the day, what ifs, I should have saids. Open up a verbal sick bucket either by yourself or with your partner, make a circle with your arms and 'throw up' all your thoughts into the 'bin' until your mind is empty. Blank your mind out so you can fully relax.

Can sleep create you a slimmer body?

For eight hours a day your burning fat, but this alone won't drop you weight - look at what you put into your mouth the other 16 hours, thats your stumbling block!

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