Saturday, 26 May 2012

Are slimming clubs to blame for binge eating?

Yeah you heard me right I believe slimming clubs are partly to blame for the nations binge eating here's why...

Ever since I can remember there's always been a slimming club promoting the point system, sins or some kind of horse shit way to control your weekly intake of food. Now I'm
not here to totally slate all slimming clubs, they do drop weight on a weekly basis, I'm here to highlight a point which I think is very valid. So if your a slimming club groupie I probably wouldn't read on this shit may offend you -

So Susie joins slimming club X (SCX), Susie has her allotted sins/points for the week to keep within but susie likes to have a cheeky glass or two of wine at a night time after a stressful day at work but wine is naughty!

So what does susie do??

Susie starves herself or eats free/low pointed food that are loaded with aspartame during the day so she can have her wine at night AND keep within her tally for the day and she'll still drop weight come next meeting, perfect right?

Here's another example...

Carrie loves a chocolate, crisps, junk food but SCX only allows certain point or sins a week, so what does Carrie do? Again starve herself or eat free/low pointed food for the week so that come weekend she can eat what she likes as long it's within her tally and still drop weight on her weekly meeting, again perfect right?

Can you see where I'm going here??

SCX will CONGRATULATE these two ladies on dropping weight and reward them with stars and badges...positive re-enforcement!

It's very rare you see a slimming club take inches because it's all about the weight be it muscle,water or fat. 'You've lost a dress size but thats shit because you've only dropped 3lbs in 2 weeks'

They give you food you can eat unlimited amounts of (again promoting binging) so you can save your points for the things you like...look at your body, does your body react well to eating foods you like? Thought not!

When a client comes to me after years of slimming club dieting I HAVE to reprogramme them, this takes time for them to see its not about weight or calories. Its like there robot only tuned in what the leader says.

Slimming clubs have a very powerful hold over women and why wouldn't it you can eat/drink what you want and lose weight but it's what your eating, what your doing to your liver. I saw a slimming club promote this once 'eat takeaway pizza and lose weight' I mean come on if it was that easy we'd all have rocking bodies!

They sell there own brand of food, they have a weekly meeting, they have there own language, they have leaders - you don't even know your part of a cult and a manipulative one at that. They will make you feel like you can't do it by yourself you need the group to support you, support you in what binge eating, getting pissed and filling your body full of sugar?.

I personally don't know any that go to any extreme to promote exercise, yeah they say it'll help but it's not like they're screaming look you need this shit in you life to get anywhere. Look at the picture below and tell me which one you want to look like.

I've probably pissed a couple of people off with this article, truth hurts but turn round and tell me it's not a valid point!?

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