Okay so I see a lot of this Facebook and my primal fit-pro Ben Griffiths touched on this the other week
It takes us fit pros time to smash fat safely and effectively, to know exactly what foods do, what effect sugar has on your stomach & how to train smart not stupid.
Yet it takes Lesley no idea a second to tell their friends get on the latest magazine fad diet, take T5's, starve yourself!! All great advice by the way like muscle weighs heavier than fat - theres another beaut I always see!
A sure fire way to fuck your friends body up for life by promoting shite fad diets and drugs. I wouldn't mind half the people dishing out this great advice are overweight themselves and constantly complaining about the way they look!
These types of friends are the ones who will forever hold you back in your quest for a flat stomach or toned thighs. These friends are the ones who suggest 'lets join the local slimming club together, they have another no joining fee promo' and then do one a couple of week in, because its to hard to stick to a plan (we all know my thoughts on slimming club food plans by the way).
The friends I talk about, the 'weight loss expert' I refer too are the yo-yo dieters who WILL NEVER ever achieve anything when it comes to weight loss because they know best obviously!!
Do you want to be aligned with this person or do you want to be held accountable for your own actions?
Do you want to learn about eating smart not fucking stupid?
Do you want to lose actual fat not muscle & water?
If you don't, don't complain about your body EVER again...
If you do, seek out your local expert, take the plunge and get in contact, I guarantee you will not look back in regret and Achieve what Lesley no idea will always be searching for - the beach ready body.
Love it Ian, great article and 100% true.