Tuesday, 1 May 2012

The Results of my 14 day detox!!!!


Sorry for the delay, it's been a super busy couple of days..

Okay the pics you've all been waitin for from my 14 day detox....

As you can see I have firmed my chest up and slimmed my waistline down by 4 inches. I dropped a total of 8lbs of fat within the 14 days and really started to make some shape of my abdominal area without doing one stomach exercise!

After my detox I was chatting to Travis Jones of resultsbasedtraining.com.au and he showed me his 28 day transformation picture. I gotta tell you this shit motivated me to do another 14 days and get into some killer shape.

I badgered him into answering some questions on his journey and giving you some nuggets so take away for your own transformation.

IF; Hey Travis, tell me a little about your reason for the 28 day transformation challenge?

TJ; I guess my aim at the at the start of the program was just to create the biggest possible body transformation that i could create in just 28 days. I wanted to show people that with a little dedication on diet and training that anything is possible.

IF; What was your toughest challenge throughout the 28 days?

TJ: The toughest challenge through my change was going through it over christmas. Trying to manage my foods so i only had one carb refeed meal per week over the holiday season.

IF; What would you say peoples main obstacle is when looking to transform thenselves?
TJ: The problem I find with most people thinking about changing there body is that they wait for the perfect moment to start, whether if they dont want to start till monday, or they just need to buy the supplements first or they dont have a gym membership yet. I would say stop the excuses, look in the mirror and just tell your self right now that your ready to change, not tomorrow or the next day but right this very second.

IF; The picture below obviously shows you achieved awesome results, what would your number one tip be for people looking to do something similar?

TJ: I think the number 1 tip for anyone embarking of there own transformation journey is to stay consistent. Consistent with food, training and sleep will create you body transformation.

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