Hey there,
It feels like ages since I last wrote an article, I've been pretty fucking busy of late creating new formula's & dropping women a dress size in 15 days plus booking some well deserved holidays!
I question I seem to be asked a lot over the recent months is
'Why is it so easy to put weight on but not to lose it'?
I could say the answers simple but it's not. From my experience every women is a fluctuater, your either losing weight by dieting or gaining weight by having a binge, right?
You have your time of the months where most of you want to eat your own body weight in chocolate, crisps or biscuits. After this week you 'have the taste for it' I'm not going to baffle you with big words and long explanations but to put it simply there's a system in your body that wants shit food, the more you feed it the more it wants and it goes on until your in a vicious cycle of eating crap and you end up feeling crap, so what do you need? To eat more sugary shite to raise your feel good hormones. Which does work for a couple of hours but you'll then obviously need to raise them again.
This is emotional eating, 9 out of 10 people have an emotional eating problem and to me the problem lies with our parents..Yes I said it our parents, take yourself back to school, when you came home and had a awesome school report what did you get 'treated' with? If you banged your head what was given to you to make you feel better? If you cried what was given you to cheer you up? Do you see a pattern emerging?
Food is and has always been a way of making you feel better about yourself, we're not taught as kids to think of food as fuel we're taught that food is there to comfort you, to DE-stress you, to make you happy. Now I can't solely blame our parents because their parents would have done the same to them, it's passed through. I'm too myself are to blame with my daughter, she gets an award at school or 10/10 on her spellings then it's off out to celebrate by having food out. It's automatic, we don't even think about it we celebrate most things with food - birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, new jobs etc.
Going back to my point this is the reason it's so easy to gain weight you end up in a spiral of uncontrollable eating until at some point, you put a dress on that use to fit and think SHIT I better get myself some weight off sharpish.
This kick up the arse usually last for around 2-3 weeks before you get bored with eating healthy and not having a social life because your not allowed to have this, that or the other OR you want to stick to it but it is so god damn hard to do it because you've not been taught properly what choices to make instead you look at calorie intake or the 'healthy options' and these aren't as tasty as the meals your friends are having and you feel left out and isolated.
If you go against the grain and try to achieve your perfect body or even just feel better about yourself, it seems everything in the world is against you. You gain weight quicker because you know no other way of living & eating.
To live a clean eating lifestyle you would be the outcast, the unsociable one. You'd be the one not drinking while everyone else is 'having fun', you'd be the one not having a takeaway while everyone is scoffing down a kebab, you'd be the one not invited to a meal round at your friends house because your too difficult to cook for.
After spending your life trying to fit in, it'd be a waste to do something different right?
My answer is - how happy are you with your body?
Do you want to change? Most people do but never know how to approach it.
How can you integrate losing weight into everyday life.
Number one stay the fock away from slimming clubs they promote binge eating and that's the last thing you want to be doing! 'Save your points & starve yourself so you can all out caveman on the weekend' but hey if that's your bag then do it, I'm here only to advise oh and don't do a fad or magazine diet - pointless.
Find something that fits your lifestyle, because you want this long term. it could be you like to have a feed at weekends, in that case eat clean Monday - Friday when your in your routine of work and allow yourself a cheat or two Saturday & Sunday.
You could be the busiest person alive and 'haven't got time to eat' (BTW I love this one, would you let your child not eat because it's to busy?) if this is the case, GET PREPARED! don't wing it on the day cook your meals in advance Tupperware them up and ping them.
Or use FaceBook, it can let you connect with many a Fit pro, see what services they offer and jump on board, invest in yourself (How much money would you pay so you can spend an extra 10/15 years living?)
'Proper Planning & Preparation Prevents Piss Poor Preformance'
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