Wednesday 26 October 2011

Log fires v Metabolism

Answer me this question;

How do you keep a log fire burning all day?

A) Two twigs a day
B) Throw a log on every now & then
C) Intermittent logs throughout the day

What was your answer?

Hopefully it was C, now imagine your metabolism to be the log fire and the twigs/logs are food...

You see by not fuelling your body on a regular basis it leaves you open to snacking on carbs & sugary foods to raise your insulin levels back up.

It's something I like to call pre-emptive eating..

Preemptive eating will keep your insulin at a steady level, eating at regular 3/4 hour slots. Half the time you will be eating when your not hungry!

Preemptive eating can drop you weight by decreasing the need for sugar spikes and you will constantly burn energy, energy comes from stored fat.


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