Friday, 13 April 2012

I was privileged and really excited this week to be asked to do an interview by the UK’s leading fat loss expert- Paul Mort of .

Paul tours the UK and Europe teaching Personal Trainers and fitness instructors how to get great results and he’s personally mentored me.

Here’s some of the interview we did:

PM: So Ian, can you tell us a little bit about how you got into the business of weight loss and a little about your journey. I know you haven’t always been in shape.

IF: Ever since school I've always enjoyed exercising and finding out new cool ways of training. In 2005 I put on 3-4 stone and became severely depressed about my weight, I knew there was only me who could do anything about it. I started devising my own workout programmes and nutrition plans for myself . If I knew then what I know now It would have been a quicker journey for sure! Anyway I dropped my weight and my friends started to notice and wanted to know what I did. I would bring them along to my workouts and give them advice. Three years later and I decided to become a qualified Personal Trainer because I loved the feeling of helping people get in shape.

PM: Wow, you really have ‘been there, done that’. Now lets get into the meat of the interview. What would you say are the 3 MOST IMPORTANT things when it comes to losing body fat

IF: The three most important things...

I would say Commitment is key, You can drop weight by just dropping calorie intake and exercising more slimming clubs make a killing on this mentality but to drop actual body fat and to create a hot body is a whole new ball game, taking certain things out of your diet, training smart instead of I'll just run on this treadmill for 2 hours and being able to say no takes commitment.

Mindset is another, you need to be focused and driven towards your target, eating a little bit of what your mind fancies doesn't work, eating what your body needs does!

And finally nutrition taking rice, pasta, potatoes, high sugared fruit, processed food, coffee, tea, to name a few out of your diet and live off the lands food meat, fish, veg, nuts, water etc. will torch body fat like you've never seen before. People think that clean eating is depriving yourself of foods, I say them foods your 'depriving' yourself from have contributed to why your not happy with how your body looks now.

PM: Great stuff. So what would you say are the 3 BIGGEST MISTAKES you’re seeing people make

IF: Giving in to easily to cravings, look I know it's hard but it a case of fighting through and getting to the other side. I've had clients give up their 8-9 cups a coffee a day by fighting through you know what within 2 weeks they're thanking me for feeling fresher than ever.

Joining a slimming club, I kinda get it because yes them guys do drop weight but after they drop the weight within a couple of months they put it back on you see the facebook status 'Back to slimming club on Monday'. Them dudes are the biggest Yo-Yo dieters going.

I do think listening to their first circle of influence e.g. friends, family, partners. I watched a Brian Grasso video talking about these circles of influence on your life and you know it made perfect sense. They always say things like 'you don't need to lose weight, you look fab as you are' & 'This little treat won't harm, you deserve it'. In reality thats not supporting you, that shits destroying you.

PM: you know, I see those all the time too and it makes me a little sad. So what would you say to motivate someone to finally get into great shape, even if they’ve tried everything?

IF: You may have tried everything, but you've not tried me!..I pride myself on social proof, my formula works time & time again and guess what I even guarantee my work.

PM: I’ve heard A LOT about your Fat Blast Academy, can you tell me a little bit more about it and the training and nutrition plan that seems to be getting superb results?

IF: It's all down to the individuals, I give them the tools and those guys smash every week. We train hard every day and they have specific food plans to follow to detoxify the body and zap the fat hence the reason not everyone gets accepted. You need a certain mentality to have my time and if I think your wasting it then your out.

PM: There’s a boatload of other bootcamps in your area- what makes your Academy so different?

IF: Whats different?.. Show me the results the other bootcamps are getting, they're all come down and workout- it's basically a circuit class for everyone and anyone! We ease people into it with a beginner levels so there's no 'im unfit' excuses, we are constantly monitoring our members fitness levels, water, fat, muscle inches, moods. We are a family who supports each other and motivates. I like to educate on the whys, hows and what’s to what we're doing. We probably have members down their who know more than most personal trainers.

PM: Sounds amazing, in fact a lot of the principles make complete sense. So where can people find out more about you?

IF: Email ,our website


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